Auto Accidents

Phoenix Car Accident Lawyer

Most of us have been through events that change your life in the blink of an eye. Car accidents are certainly one way that can happen. And while some crashes are truly accidents where no one is at fault, the reality is that most crashes might have been avoided if at least one involved party had exercised proper care. 

That’s called negligence and when a person is the victim of someone else’s negligence, they have the right to seek financial compensation. Our Phoenix car accident lawyer is here to help. 

A Phoenix Car Accident Attorney Who Fights for You

At RAJ Law, we know what accident victims are going through because we’ve been there ourselves. We know that the financial settlement is about both getting compensation for what’s been lost, and it’s also about securing some measure of justice for all that was endured. From our Phoenix office, we serve all of Arizona. 

At RAJ Law, we understand what it takes to investigate a car accident and we know how to fight for our client’s best interests based on the available evidence. Get help by contacting us at (602) 579-5555 or by filling out our online contact form and we’ll set up a consultation.

Alternative Sources of Liability

In our hypothetical incident on I-10, maybe the other driver did act responsibly and did try to slow down, but their brakes failed them. This is now an example where there is still liability, but it is with either the company who manufactured the car or the mechanic who allegedly repaired it.

It’s vitally important to make sure the right defendant is the target of the lawsuit. The reason is that, for a defendant to be held liable, they must have shown a breach of duty. That means that they failed to act responsibly under the circumstances. A driver who was distracted can be credibly accused of breach—they did not do all they reasonably could to be safe. 

But suing a driver who was victimized by bad brakes or a bad repair job? That’s unlikely to work. But if a smart lawyer who understands car accident law, targets the appropriate defendant, then a fair settlement is back on the table. 

What To Do After a Car Accident

The first thing a driver ought to do is get medical attention. Depending on the severity of the crash, this might be obvious. But even if it’s not, and a driver feels fine, the reality is that they might not be fine. Certain types of injuries that are common to car crashes can take time to develop. A problem with the back or neck might take a few days to start bothering the victim. If the driver hit their head, it’s possible that the brain rattled against the skull, meaning potentially serious brain trauma could develop. 

The most important reason to get immediate attention is one’s own personal well-being. But there are important legal benefits for acting quickly. An essential part of any lawsuit will be the need to show that the accident was in fact the cause of the injury that is being sued over. If a driver starts to suffer a bad back or shows concussion symptoms a couple days after the crash, a Phoenix car accident attorney still has to connect those symptoms with the crash. 

Making that connection—the causation, to use the legal terminology—is stronger when a doctor’s report done in the immediate aftermath can substantiate the claims made in the lawsuit. The defendant’s insurance company will do whatever they can to reduce the settlement amount, and part of that often includes trying to find alternative explanations for why someone suffered their injuries. Quick action to get medical care can help cut off that line of defense and protect the plaintiff’s interests. 

After an accident, a driver should—presuming they are able—take some cellphone pictures of the scene. If there are witnesses, get their phone numbers. Our lawyer can follow up with the witnesses and use the cellphone photos in conjunction with other official reports (the police, the doctor, etc.) to help establish that the defendant was in fact the one responsible for the crash. 

Let’s say a driver has to slow down due to backed-up traffic on I-10. The car behind them doesn’t respond quickly enough and causes a collision. Deciding who is responsible—and whose insurance company should pay for damages—might come down to witness testimony. 

Was the other driver seen talking on their phone, texting or otherwise looking distracted? Were they speeding or following too closely behind? The more evidence that’s gathered immediately after the accident, the better the chance of proving the defendant’s negligence. 

RAJ Law serves all of Arizona from our Phoenix office. We serve a diverse client base, including both the English and Spanish-speaking communities. Reach out to us at (602) 579-5555 or contact us online to arrange for a consultation.

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