Phoenix Dog Bites Lawyer
Suffering a dog bite can be an extremely bad experience. The physical damage can be serious and potentially long-lasting. The financial costs can include both the direct medical expenses associated with treatment, along with missed time at work.
And the psychological costs—the mental pain and suffering—can require therapy and take a considerable amount of time to recover from. All of these are factors that our Phoenix dog bites lawyer can take into consideration when negotiating a fair financial settlement.
A Phoenix Dog Bites Lawyer Who Fights for You
At RAJ Law ,we know what it’s like to be injured and to require a financial settlement to be made whole. We know because we’ve been there. We know what you’re going through. And while we might not be able to heal your wounds (as much as we might like to), we can give you peace of mind in knowing that your legal affairs are in the hands of an attorney who will fight on every legal detail for the fair settlement you deserve.
Call RAJ Law at (602) 579-5555 or fill out our online contact form to arrange for a consultation if you’ve been bitten by a dog.
Strict Liability & Arizona Dog-Bite Law
The state of Arizona follows a policy of strict liability when it comes to dog bites. Put simply, this means the simple fact the injured plaintiff was bitten, and that the bite caused their injuries, is enough to establish negligence.
This differs from other personal injury cases, where it’s also required that the defendant (the dog owner in this case) be shown to have acted irresponsibly in their care for the dog.
The application of strict liability means that even if an owner had their dog leashed and generally acted as a responsible dog owner would, they are still liable for any bites. The exceptions to this would come if its established that the injured plaintiff was trespassing or in some way provoking the dog to attack.
Call RAJ Law today at (602) 579-5555 or contact us online to set up a consultation.
What To Do After Being Bitten by a Dog
A dog bite victim must still be able to prove that their injuries were caused by the bite, and not by some other cause. Therefore, it’s imperative to seek medical treatment immediately after the biting incident. This is essential for one’s own personal health, and it also plays a valuable role in the legal process. The written report from a doctor’s office or emergency room can be brought in as evidence by our Phoenix dog bites attorney.
Another good rule of thumb is for plaintiffs to say as little as possible about how they are feeling. Human nature can want to reassure others that they’re okay, whether it be a conversation with the dog owner or a social media post, or any other form of communication that might make its way to a defendant’s lawyer. Those words can be turned around and used as a way to say that the injures might be from some other cause.
This is important, because some of the most serious side effects of dog bites might not be automatically presumed to be from the event. Certainly, wounds with teeth marks can be easier to prove. But internal bleeding or other side effects that might take a couple days to really become apparent will take some diligent legal footwork to connect with the dog bite. It should be expected that a defendant’s attorney will aggressively seek to disconnect these medical issues from the dog bite. Plaintiffs need to be assured their own counsel will be no less vigorous in response.
Contact Our Offices
Work with an attorney who will fight for the fair settlement you deserve. Contact RAJ Law today. Complete our form below or call us at (602) 579-5555.